EDPS – Opinion 52-2023 on two Proposals for Council Decisions on the signing and conclusion of Agreement between the EU and Armenia on cooperation between Eurojust and the competent authorities for judicial cooperation in criminal matters of Armenia – December 2023EDPS-Opinion-52-2023-on-two-Proposals-for-Council-Decisions-on-the-signing-and-conclusion-of-Agreement-between-the-EU-and-Armenia
Délibération n°HAB-2023-003 du 7 décembre 2023 habilitant des agents de la Commission nationale de l’informatique et des libertés à procéder à des missions de vérificationPDF Embedder requires a url attribute
EDPB – Guidelines 01-2023 on Article 37 Law Enforcement Directive V1 – September 2023edpb-guidelines_202301_art_37_led_en_2-1
CC, 2023-855 DC, 16 novembre 2023, Loi d’orientation et de programmation du ministère de la justice 2023-2027Decision-n°-2023-855-DC-du-16-novembre-2023-_-Conseil-constitutionnel
Délibération n° HABS-2023-004 du 9 novembre 2023 habilitant des agents de la Commission nationale de l’informatique et des libertés à établir un rapport en application du cinquième alinéa de l’article 22-1 de la loi n° 78-17 du 6 janvier 1978 modifiéeDeliberation-n°-HABS-2023-004-du-9-novembre-2023-habilitant-des-agents-de-la-CNIL-a-etablir-un-rapport-en-application-du-5e-alinea-de-larticle-22-1-de-la-LIL
EDPS – Opinion 51-2023 on the Proposal for a Directive on transfer pricing – November 2023EDPS-Opinion-51-2023-on-the-Proposal-for-a-Directive-on-transfer-pricing-November-2023
EDPS – Opinion 50-2023 on the Proposal for a Council Directive establishing a Head Office Tax system for SMEs – November 2023EDPS-Opinion-50-2023-on-the-Proposal-for-a-Council-Directive-establishing-a-Head-Office-Tax-system-for-SMEs-November-2023
EDPS – Opinion 49-2023 on the Directive on Business in Europe Framework for Income Taxation (BEFIT) – November 2023EDPS-Opinion-49-2023-on-the-Directive-on-Business-in-Europe-Framework-for-Income-Taxation-BEFIT-November-2023
EDPS – Opinion 48-2023 on the Proposal for a Directive on European cross-border associations and the Proposal for a Regulation amending Regulations 1024/2012 and 2018/1724 – October 2023EDPS-Opinion-48-2023-on-the-Proposal-for-a-Directive-on-European-cross-border-associations-and-the-Proposal-for-a-Regulation-amending-Regulations-1024-2012-and-2018-1724
EDPS – Opinion 47-2023 on the negotiating mandate for an Agreement between the EU and Switzerland on the transfer of Passenger Name Record data – October 2023EDPS-Opinion-47-2023-on-the-negotiating-mandate-for-an-Agreement-between-the-EU-and-Switzerland-on-the-transfer-of-Passenger-Name-Record-data